Woollard Nichols Torres Consulting primarily works with coalitions, task forces, and other collaborative initiatives to provide a multitude of services, including project management and coordination, administrative support, strategic planning and guidance, communications, and membership management and engagement. We also work with individual organizations and partnerships that are interested in assessing the environment for new programming and/or conducting internal operational assessment to increase efficiency. This includes assessing community and organizational needs, facilitating merger conversations, and supporting communications, development, and community engagement plans.
Our primary focus is in the social sector. We define the social sector as non-profit, public and private sector initiatives that build community well-being and help people reach their full potential. This often includes working with organizations and individuals focusing on health and human services, housing and community development, education, workforce development, and behavioral health.
Clients we are serving or have served include:
Greater Austin
- Aging Services Council of Central Texas
- AIDS Services of Austin
- Amala Foundation
- Americorps Central Texas
- Austin Area Comprehensive HIV Planning Council
- Austin Center for Grief & Loss
- Austin Geriatric Center/RBJ Center
- Austin Gives
- Austin Housing Coalition
- Austin Independent School District
- Austin Public Health
- Austin Recovery
- Austin Tenants’ Council
- Austin/Travis & Williamson Counties Emergency Food and Shelter Program
- Austin/Travis County Reentry Roundtable
- Best Single Source Plus Collaborative
- Bookspring
- Central Texas Food Bank
- City of Austin Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Office
- City of Austin Sustainability Office
- Children's Optimal Health
- The Christi Center
- College Houses
- Dell Children’s Trauma and Injury Research Center
- Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO)
- Give Realty
- Housing Authority of Travis County
- HousingWorks Austin
- Integrated Care Collaborative
- Integral Care
- Literacy First
- Meals on Wheels Central Texas
- Meals on Wheels Central Texas In-Home Care
- One Voice Central Texas
- RecoveryPeople
- SAFE Alliance
- Sammy’s House
- The Settlement Club - Settlement Home for Children
- The Sobering Center - Austin
- SXSWedu
- Transit Empowerment Fund
- Travis County Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (YSAPC)
- WeViva
- Workforce Solutions Capital Area
- Youth Recovery Network
- Alliance of Community Assistance Ministries (ACAM) (Houston)
- East Texas Human Needs Network (Tyler)
- Laredo Homeless Coalition (Laredo)
- Meals on Wheels Association of Texas
- Meals on Wheels Texas
- South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless (SARAH) (San Antonio)
- Texas Assisted Living Association (TALA)
- Texas Association of Charitable Clinics
- Texas Association of Community Development Corporations (TACDC)
- Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS)
- Via Hope
- Alliance for Approved Private Schools (AAPS) (Pennsylvania)
- Human Services Chamber of Hamilton County (Ohio)
- Mat-Su Health Foundation (Alaska)
- Meals on Wheels Greater Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)
- Methodist Union of Social Agencies (MUSA) (Pennsylvania)
- New Sun Rising (Pennsylvania)
- One Day to Remember (Pennsylvania)
- Southwestern Pennsylvania Partnership for Aging (SWPPA) (Pennsylvania)
Samantha Kovacs, Executive Director
Methodist Union of Social Agencies (MUSA)
Lara George, Executive Director
The Christi Center
Greg Pittman, Board President
Meals on Wheels Texas
Ronda Rutledge, Executive Director
Sustainable Food Center
Matt Snapp
Austin Travis County Integral Care Board of Trustees
Julie McElrath
Youth Recovery Network
Greg Rosenbaum, General Manager
Adam Hauser, President & CEO
Meals on Wheels Central Texas
Stephanie Rainbolt
Travis County Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
Carol is highly adept at determining what each member of the board is best at and would most enjoy, among other things. This saves time, energy and expense, and I feel sure assists with board retention. Also, helps with team-building and leadership development.
Kimberly Allen, Board Chair
Lily is an impeccable professional who executes and manages projects very well. Her work ethic is stellar; her product is exceptional. She is diligent, smart, extremely respectful and timely. She has never missed a deadline and commits to the project until the end. Thank you Lily for your amazing work!
Juanita Budd, Executive Director
Austin Free-Net
Ann Gill Howard, Executive Director
Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO)
Tod Marvin, President & CEO
Easterseals Central Texas