Sometimes it's Just about Sitting Down to Talk


What's a Backbone, Anyway?

I attended the Collective Impact Forum‘s Champions for Change workshop last month, and it got me thinking about how we structure collaborative social sector initiatives, especially here in Texas. Wait, buzzword alert. Surely you’ve heard this term, collective impact, right? Everyone’s throwing it around lately. John Kania and Mark Kramer with FSG wrote a landmark

What's a Backbone, Anyway? Read More »

Happy Birthday to Us… But the Gifts are For You!

It’s been one year since Woollard Nichols & Associates officially launched, and we’ve been reflecting on the work that we’ve done over the last year. It was a great year – we supported almost twenty clients including coalitions and collaborations, membership associations, non-profit organizations, city departments and divisions of school districts. We facilitated community planning

Happy Birthday to Us… But the Gifts are For You! Read More »