
Introducing our Summer Interns

By Lily Wein | | 0 Comments

It may be summer, but we’re keeping busy! We’re excited to announce that we’ve brought on three full-time interns for the summer. They’re jumping right in and lending their talents and expertise to various projects, and they are already making great contributions. Read on to meet our new interns!   Ryan Carlino Ryan is thrilled […]

What is a People-Focused Community Assessment?

By Kelly Nichols | | 0 Comments

Needs assessments are a critical component of helping to build understanding about a community need and ultimately the theory of change that a collaboration or organization is pursuing to address that need. Our approach to needs assessments is grounded in the principles of Community-Based Participatory Research and Asset-Based Community Development, meaning that we want to […]

Our Approach to Strategic Decision Making

By Kelly Nichols | | 0 Comments

I have been facilitating a lot of strategic discussions lately, and it’s been a great opportunity to put pen to paper on our theory for designing strategic conversations. I created the graphic above as a way to think about our approach to facilitating strategic conversations as an ongoing cycle. In each phase of the cycle, […]

Find Your Work, Delegate the Rest

By Kelly Nichols | | 0 Comments

by Carol Johnson       DELEGATION. It is a word that often summons up a feeling of overload in the mind of a nonprofit Executive Director (ED), especially an ED of a smaller nonprofit. We know we should delegate more, but… There is no one to delegate to. By the time I delegate it, […]

In Which We Compare Making Baklava to Creating Successful Community Coalitions

By Kelly Nichols | | 0 Comments

By Sam Woollard We were recently in a meeting when a prospective client compared community planning and coalition work to making baklava. As he described it, it matched perfectly with our experience. Baklava is a dessert of the Middle East and Mediterranean, and it has numerous variations depending on the country of origin. The same […]

The Secret to Employee Retention

By Kelly Nichols | | 0 Comments

It’s quite possible that the secret to employee retention is cute animal photos (they have been proven to make us more productive, after all). In case you are looking for other ideas, here is a joint post from Associates Carol Johnson and Andrea Torres. We hear from our clients that one of the biggest issues […]

Clarifying our Value Proposition

By Kelly Nichols | | 0 Comments

It’s hard for us to believe, but WNA will be celebrating its three-year anniversary this fall. After two and a half years of doing a variety of interesting and meaningful work, as well as growing our team, it felt like time to revisit the way we are characterizing the services that we provide and the […]

Getting Comfortable with Discomfort, a Lifelong Practice

By Kelly Nichols | | 0 Comments

I was recently asked to write an essay on how my participation in an interdisciplinary poverty studies program and internship, the Shepherd Consortium, in college impacted my life and career. I’m sharing it here because I think it’s a good opportunity to express how my background and life experience informs the collective impact work that […]

Find Their Strengths; Maximize Your Potential!

By Carol Johnson | | 0 Comments

Have you wondered why teams of people do not work together well?  It may be due to misunderstandings or to ineffective allocation of tasks. Gallup’s StrengthsFinder is a tool that was developed not only to help individuals know themselves better, but to be used to maximize our work together in teams. Misunderstanding each other is a […]

Building Our Strengths-Based Toolbox

By Kelly Nichols | | 0 Comments

As you know if you’ve worked with us previously, we are big fans of tools that highlight the strengths of individuals and teams. We employ a strengths-based approach to strategic and community planning, and we often use appreciative inquiry as a tool for deepening connections to multiply impact with team members, boards, and coalitions. So […]